Crafting customer tailored experiences

Full-Stack JavaScript Developer from Barcelona

I'm Gerard, a developer who aspires to be proud of his work anywhere he goes. One of my favorite aspects of my job, is to make a reality what clients ask me to.

My strengths lie within the JavaScript ecosystem; from frontend frameworks like React or Vue, to backend tools like Node.js and ORMs. Also have a strong affinity with the development of responsive designs, or mobile apps with React Native or Flutter.

On another note, I'm really into game development using open source tools like Godot Engine, Blender and Inkscape.

+34 658 834 907

Front-end & Web Apps

I started my carrer as a front-end developer, working at a company as an intern, helping to improve the company's administration site and it's homepage, and building the major part of a website for a client.

From there, I went on to learn CMS like Wordpress by taking on freelance work ranging from upgrading a site to the latest CMS version and changing it's theme and adapting it to the client's needs with Prestashop, remaking a legacy custom e-shop using Woocommerce by migrating their current products, or building a site and it's theme from scratch with Wordpress.

I've since then learned modern frontend framework libraries like React, and have keep up to date with it's newest additions like context and hooks. This website is powered by Next.js, a static site generator built on top of React.

Building front end web apps

Back-end Developer

As for server side, I'm well versed in Node.js with Express as main framework, having built the backend for two projects; a medical application to manage complications which served a RestAPI, and a banking simulator which made use of GraphQL.

To keep a clean development environment the use of containers has become a standard, solving at the same the “it works on my machine” headache, and having an environment as close to the production one as possible.

Data, plays a major role on any kind of application, and Sequelize has been my go to when talking about ORMs, given it's active community, and lengthy documentation.

Finally, in recent projects I've come to use TypeScript, given that it's starting to take up momentum, and it has been adopted by all major frameworks, be it frontend libraries like React, or ORMs like Sequelize.

Writting backend code

Mobile Experiences

By taking advantage of modern technologies, in particular React Native and Flutter, I've tapped into the world of mobile app development.

React Native, was the fraemwork used to create the Android and iOS application “Complication Management”, a propietary app used to manage medical issues among health care providers.

With Flutter, I've build a “Hackernews” clone app, open source, which can be found at my GitLab profile.

Developing a mobile app